Rabu, 28 Februari 2018


Assalamualaikum wr.wb u
Saat jam 5 saya sholat subuh jam 8:00 saya pergi ke kampus setelah itu saya doing
Macedoine of vegetabel mayonaise
                      Green beans
                      White papper
                      Tomato wedges

Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

local food

Rawon or Nasi Rawon/Rawon Rice (when served with rice) is a strong rich tasting traditional Indonesian beef black soup.Originally from Surabaya in Indonesian province of East Java. It uses black nuts/keluak (Pangeum edule, fruits of kepayang tree) as the main seasoning which gives the strong nutty flavor and dark color to the soup.

The soup is made of ground mixture of garlic, shallot, keluak, ginger, candlenut, turmeric, red chili and salt sauteed with oil until it gets aromatic. The sauteed mixture is then poured into boiled beef stock with diced beef. Lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves and sugar are then added as seasonings.The special dark or black color of rawon comes from the keluak as the main spice. The soup is usually garnished with green onion and fried shallot, and served with rice, hence the name rawon rice or Nasi Rawon in Indonesian language, together with baby bean sprouts, salted preserved egg, shrimp crackers and sambal chili sauce on the side.

Category : Soup

Cooking time : 45 – 60 minutes


– 250 gram Beef gram beef meat (use the part that has more fat )

– 1 stalk of spring onion, finely chopped (can also be substituted with chives)

– 2 kaffir lime leafs

– 2 salam leafs

– 1 stalk of lemon grass, bruised

– 2 cm galangal, bruised

– pepper and salt to taste

– 6 cups of water

Spice Paste

– 5 shallots

– 3 cloves of garlic

– 4 candlenuts ( can be substituted with 6 of almonds)

– 1 cm ginger

– 1/2 teaspoon of coriander

– 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric powder

– a pinch of cumin

– 3 kluweks, take only the meat

– 2 red chillies, seeded (fresh or use chili powder if you like)


1. Put the beef and water in a large pan and simmer uncovered until beef is tender. When it’s tender, separate the meat and cut into small cube. Bring back to boil with low heat.

ingredients 2


Pronounce it: shal-lot
Related to the onion (as opposed to being a younger version of it), shallots grow in clusters at the leaf base. Most varieties are smaller than onions, have finer layers and contain less water.
The flavour of a shallot is much milder and sweeter than that of an onion, so if a recipe specifies shallots, substituting onions won't give the same results. Their lower water content means they need to be cooked more gently than onions.
Choose the best
Look for firm shallots, with no soft spots, damp or mouldy patches. Brown (also known as English or Dutch) shallots are the most commonly available. Small, with a light brown skin, they have a mild flavour, and sometimes have more than one bulb inside.
Banana shallots are the largest variety and are named for their size. They have a smooth, tan-coloured skin and are slightly milder than other types. As they're larger, they're swifter to prepare than the same volume of smaller shallots.
Pink shallots have a pink skin and a crisp texture and their flavour is pungent, but not harsh.
Prepare it
Trim off the top and peel (standing the shallots in boiling water for a minute or two after trimming makes peeling easier). Then slice finely or chop. If you're using banana shallots, their longer size means you can use the same method to chop as you'd use for onions, as follows. Cut in half from top to bottom. Put the cut side down and make a number of horizontal cuts towards, but not quite reaching, the root. Then make as many vertical cuts through the shallot, again not quite reaching the root. Holding the shallot very firmly and with the knife blade at right angles to the first set of cuts that you made, slice down vertically - the shallot will fall away in small pieces as you go. Continue cutting until you reach the root, which you can now discard.
Store it
In a cool, dark, dry place with good air circulation- they'll keep for several weeks.
Cook it
Roast (20 minutes); fry (2 minutes). Use in dressings or in soups and stews.
Try spring onion.

Black Garlic

Black garlic is a type of "caramelized" garlic (in reality, browned by the Maillard reaction rather than truly caramelized) first used as a food ingredient in Asian cuisine. It is made by heating whole bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum) over the course of several weeks, a process that results in black cloves. The taste is sweet and syrupy with hints of balsamic vinegar or tamarind. Black garlic's popularity has spread to the United States as it has become a sought-after ingredient used in high-end cuisine.
The process of producing black garlic is sometimes incorrectly referred to as fermentation, but it does not in fact involve microbial action. Black garlic is made when heads of garlic are aged under specialized conditions of heat and humidity. Bulbs are kept in a humidity-controlled environment at temperatures that range from 60 - 77ºC (140 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit) for 14 to 40 days. There are no additives, preservatives, or burning of any kind. The enzymes that give fresh garlic its sharpness break down. Those conditions also facilitate the Maillard reaction, the chemical process that produces new flavour compounds responsible for the deep taste of seared meat and fried onions, the cloves turn black and develop a sticky date-like texture.
In Taoist mythology, black garlic was rumored to grant immortality. In Korea, black garlic was developed as a health product and it is still perceived as health supplementary food. Black garlic is prized as a food rich in antioxidants and added to energy drinks, and in Thailand is claimed to increase the consumer's longevity. It is also used to make black garlic chocolate.
In black garlic, the garlic flavour is softened such that it almost or entirely disappears depending on the length of time it was heated. Additionally, its flavour is dependent on that of the fresh garlic that was used to make it. Garlic with a higher sugar content produces a milder, more caramel-like flavour, whereas garlic with a low sugar content produces a sharper, somewhat more acidic flavour, similar in character to tomato paste. Burnt flavours may also be present if the garlic was heated for too long at too high a temperature or not long enough: during heating, the garlic turns black in colour well before the full extent of its sweetness is able to develop.
Black garlic can be eaten alone, on bread, or used in soups, sauces, crushed into a mayonnaise or simply tossed into a vegetable dish. A vinaigrette can be made with black garlic, sherry vinegar, soy, a neutral oil, and Dijon mustard. Its softness increases with water content.
Unlike the vegetable from which it is made, white garlic, black garlic has a very subtle and muted flavour that is easily overpowered.
Because of its delicate and muted flavours, a considerably larger amount of black garlic must be used in comparison to white garlic in order to achieve a similar level of intensity. Additionally, black garlic cannot be used in place of white garlic. If a garlic flavour is desired in addition to the flavour of black garlic, then fresh garlic must be added.
One method to release the subtle flavours of black garlic is to knead a peeled clove between the fingers until its structure is thoroughly broken down and then to dissolve the resulting paste in a small amount of hot water. This produces a dark brown, coffee-coloured suspension of the fibrous black garlic particles in a solution that carries most of its flavour, acidity, and sugar content. This liquid may then be added to foods that are otherwise neutral in flavour (like, for example, mashed potatoes) to better showcase the flavour of the black garlic.
Likely owing to its harsh and concentrated colour, the potent reputation of fresh garlic, and the association of Maillard reactions with the browning of meat, it is a common misconception that black garlic has a "meaty" flavour. It does not. It is commonly eaten out of hand by enthusiasts, who sometimes liken the flavour to a savoury, slightly acidic caramel candy or to sweet tamarind fruit. The most prominent flavour it imparts is sweetness when used in high concentrations and when used in low concentrations, provided that there are no other flavours to compete with that of the black garlic, the flavour and aroma are somewhat similar to those of instant coffee, though without any bitterness.


Pronounce it: spin-atch
Used in almost every cuisine across the world, spinach is an enormously popular green vegetable. The leaves can be either flat or slightly ruffled, and are a bright green when young, deepening to a more intense colour when older. The bitter flavour is distinctive - you either love it or hate it - and particularly complements dairy products and eggs.
The milder, young leaves can be eaten raw in a salad, while the older ones are usually cooked (spinach has one of the shortest cooking times of all vegetables). It reduces very dramatically during cooking; a 450g bag will be just enough for two people.
All year round, but at its best from April through to September. Have a go at growing your own if you've got a fairly large veg patch or allotment.
Choose the best
Go for spinach with bright green leaves, tender but crisp stems and a fresh smell. Avoid any that is yellowing or wilting.
Prepare it
If you have bought pre-washed bagged spinach it will probably only need a quick rinse to freshen it up. In contrast, loose spinach needs thorough washing in a colander to remove dirt and grit.
Shake the excess water off (if you plan to stir-fry it or eat it raw in a salad, you should pat it dry with kitchen paper, too). Older spinach may have tough stems - cut these off. If the rib of the leaf is particularly big, fold the leaf in half lengthways with the rib facing outwards, then tear it away from the leaf.
Store it
In a perforated plastic bag in the fridge. Don't wash before you refrigerate, or the leaves will go soggy.
Cook it
Raw in salads. Roast (8-10 minutes). Slice and stir fry (1-2 minutes). Steam whole (3-4 minutes).
Try Swiss chard or cabbage.


1.Slotted spoon
Function : to retrieve items from a cooking liquid
Material : Plastick or stainless stell
How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge.

2. Grid Iron
Function :
for grilling meat, fish, vegetables, or combinations of such foods.
Material : Metal
How to Clean : Soak with soap before, clean with ironbrush and rinse with water..
1. Food storge container
Function : Storing a food and preparation.
Material : Metal or plastick
How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge.

celebes buffet 3.1

assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hari ini saya datang ke kitchen pukul 07.37, dan yang saya prepare hari ini celebes food.
konro bakar

ingredients: beef
                    beef stock
                    daun salam
                    salt papper
spices paste:
                    daun salam

sambal tomat

                   red chili
                   palm sugar
                   shrimp paste
                   lime juice

nasi putih
                  long grain rice
                  boiling water

Rabu, 21 Februari 2018


Saute Pan
Saute Pan, di gunakan untuk menumis bahan makanan. Dan biasanya saute pan terbuat dari besi baja yang cukup tebal.
Measuring Spoon
Measuring Spoon, digunakan untuk mengukur bahan makanan yang berbentuk serbuk atau bubuk. Biasanya terbuat dari besi atau plastik.
Bread Knife
Bread Knife, digunakan untuk memotong semua jenis jenis roti agar potongan menjadi rata dan baik. 

oriental buffet 2.3

assalamualaikum wr.wb
pada saat jam 05:00 saya sholat subuh jam 06:00 saya prepare untuk ke kampus jam 07:00 saya berangkat setelah sampai di kampus saya prepare oriental buffet:
ingen no goma ae
                   string bean
                   sesame seed

pho bo
                  beef broth
                  fresh ginger
                  lemon grass
                  nuoc nam
                 beef tenderloin
                 rice stick
          mung bean
         fresh mint
         red chili
         lime wedges
         chili paste with garlic

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018


Hummer, biasanya di gunakan untuk memipihkan daging agar lebih tipis yang gunanya agar daging tersebut matang lebih cepat.
Lighter, biasanya di gunakan sebagai alat pemantik yang di gunakan untuk menyalakan kompor .
Presto Pan 
Presto Pan, biasanya alat yang di gunakan untuk daging atau ikan yang berfungsi agar daging menjadi lembut dan untuk ikan agar tulang pada ikan menjadi lunak. 


indonesia buffet 2.1

Hari selasa tgl 20 feb 2018 saya masuk kampus pada pukul 7.30 dan saya langsung one line. saya one line sesuai kelompok dan di jelaskan apa yg hari ini di kerjakan, sesudah di jelaskan pertama kali saya lakukan dengan kelompok mengeluarkan preaper yg kemarin sudah di kerjakan sebelumnya. hari ini saya dan kelompok membuat rujak mie dan dojang naken .jam 12.00 saya bersama kelompok saya mempersiapkan makanan untuk keesokan harinya yaitu ingen no gama ae. jam 14.00 saya bersama temen" saya istirahat dll.selesai jam 15.00 saya dan temen" saya general cleaning sampai bersih dan jam 17.30 saya one line, sehabis itu saya pulang.
2.1 rujak mie
ingridients: -fish fillet
                   - salt
                   - chicken stock
                   - tofu
                   - dried shrimps
                   - egg noodles
dressing: shallot
                  - rice vinegar
                  - sweet soy sauce
                  - cucumbar
                  - pineapple
                  -fried shallot
                  - spring onion
                  -celery leaves

2.1 ingridients: -seafood stock
                         -lime leaves
                         -large prawns
                         - red chilles
                         -coconut meat
                         -lemon basil
                         -fresh mint
                         -lime juice

2.2 Ingen no goma ae
 ingridients: -string bean, cut 3 cm
                    -sesame seed, roasted

Senin, 19 Februari 2018



 Digital Scale/Timbangan digital
Merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur atau menimbang bahan makanan sesuai dengan takarannya. Alat ini terbuat dari besi dan plastik dan di sertai dengan mesin. Dan cara membersihakannya dengan melap dengan kain basah.
Merupakan alat yang digunakan sebagai wadah untuk makanan atau bahan makanan. Bahan dari alat ini besi alumunium dan cara membersihkannya dengan  membilas dengan air brsih.
Mixer Dough
Merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengaduk adonan kue ataupun roti dalam jumlah atau porsi yang banyak. 

daily 2.1

assalamualaikum wr.wb
hari ini saya prepare untuk sholat jam 5:00 subuh ke masjid jam  6:00 saya membersihkan rumah kemudian jam 7:00 saya mandi dan kemudian saya berangkat ke kampus jam 7:15 lalu jam 7:30 saya masuk ke kampus jam 8:00 kemudian saya prepare untuk incharger semester 2 jam 11:00 saya membantu prepare semester 2 untuk preparean menu rotasi 1,1:
Chicken salad hawaian

                 meat chicken
                 pineapple can
                 cream cheese
                 stalk celery
                 french bread

baked pottatoes

                   baking potatoes
                   vegetable oil

shrimp bisque

                   bay leaf
                   tomato paste
                   burnt brandy
                   white wine
                   fish valoute
                  fish stock
                  heavy cream
                  white pepper

Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Kacang Almond
(pengertian,manfaat serta nutrisi)

Pengertian Kacang Almond atau Badam dan Kandungan Gizi / Nutrisi Per 100 gram. Anda mungkin mengenal kacang ini dengan sebutan Almond. Padahal sebenarnya tumbuhan ini dalam bahasa indonesianya disebut sebagai badam. Nama lain badam adalah Amandel atau Almond merupakan bagian dari subkeluarga Prunoidae dari keluarga Rosaceae. Tumbuhan ini berada di klasifikasi yang sama dengan persik dalam subgenus Amygdalus di dalam Prunus. Pohon buah Badam disebut Prunus dulcis.

Almond (Prunus dulcis) merupakan tanaman asli Timur Tengah, buahnya sebenarnya bukan merupakan kacang, namun merupakan buah berbiji yang terdiri dari kulit luar yang diselubungi cangkang keras. Namun kebanyakan dari kita menyebutnya dengan sebutan kacang.

Almond atau badam mempunyai dua jenis rasa yang berbeda, yaitu pahit dan manis. Buah badam dilapisi dengan tekstur seperti bahan kulit (cangkang). Di dalam cangkangnya yang keras terdapat biji yang dapat dimakan dan itulah yang biasa disebut sebagai kacang.

Kacang almond mengandung banyak nutrisi, antara lain serat pangan, lemak tak jenuh, serta beberapa jenis vitamin B, dan vitamin E. Kacang almond juga memiliki kandungan mineral yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh seperti kalsium, magnesium, zat besi danzinc. Mengurangi risiko kanker usus besar.

Kandungan kacang almond
Almond merupakan sumber nutrisi penting, vitamin, mineral, asam lemak, dan serat makanan yang diperlukan untuk otak dan tubuh yang sehat. Selain bisa dimakan secara mentah, kacang almond juga biasa digunakan sebagai bahan dalam membuat salad.

Almond juga mengandung vitamin E ekstra, vitamin B kompleks, dan asam lemak omega-3. Mengkonsumsi segenggam almond setiap hari menyediakan asupan proteinyang cukup tinggi sehingga akan mencegah Anda dari rasa lapar yang berlebihan. Ditambah lagi, Anda akan mendapatkan semua vitamin penting yang dibutuhkan tubuh Anda.

Nah, berikut ini merupakan manfaat kacang almond untuk kesehatan seperti dikutip dari :

1. Menurunkan kolesterol Konsumsi secara teratur almond bisa membantu menjaga kadar kolesterol karena membantu meningkatkan protein high density lipoproteins (HDL) atau kolesterol ‘baik’ dan menurunkan jumlah protein low density lipoproteins (LDL) atau kolesterol ‘jahat’.

2. Kesehatan kulitMinyak almond digunakan secara luas untuk perawatan kulit. Kulit manusia cenderung kehilangan minyak esensial, karena adanya aktivitas sehari-hari dan kekeringan kulit pada musim dingin. Tetapi, body massage dengan minyak almond bisa memberikan keajaiban bagi kulit dengan mengembalikan kemilau yang hilang.

3. Perkembangan janin
Asam folat dalam almond memainkan peran penting dalam pertumbuhan yang sehat dari sel dan jaringan. Mengonsumsi almond bisa bertindak sebagai sistem pertahanan yang kuat terhadap cacat lahir. Oleh karena itu, almond sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan janin yang sehat.

4. Perkembangan otak
 Jika Anda ingin memori yang baik, maka konsumsilah setidaknya 4-5 almond setiap hari karena membantu mempertajam memori.

5. Mencegah sembelit
Almond merupakan sumber makanan yang kaya akan serat. Dengan demikian, almond mampu membantu mencegah sembelit dan membantu kinerja gerakan usus.

6. Perlindungan terhadap diabetes

Almond mengontrol kenaikan gula darah dan tingkat insulin yang tidak diinginkan setelah setiap makan, sehingga berfungsi sebagai dinding pelindung terhadap diabetes.

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018


Pronounce it: sa-age
Popular in both Italian and British cookery, sage has long, grey-green leaves with a slightly furry surface. Its aroma is pungent and it has a strong, slightly minty, musky taste. Traditionally, it's used to flavour sausages and as a stuffing for fatty meats such as pork and goose. A little goes a long way - and it's never used raw.
All year round. Buy a pot from your local greengrocer or garden centre and keep a ready supply.
Choose the best
Look for fresh leaves with good aroma and colour, with no wilting or brown patches. Common sage has a deep, earthy flavour and aroma but you can also buy pineapple sage which, as you might expect, has a sweet pineapple scent (though the flavour is more like common sage); purple sage, which has a milder flavour; and the equally mild tricolour sage, which has a variagated leaf of pink, cream and green. Dried sage is also available.
Prepare it
Pick the leaves from the stem, wash, then use whole or chop.
Store it
Fresh cut sage should be wrapped in kitchen paper, placed in a perforated bag and stored in the fridge. It will last for up to 3 days. Dried sage should be kept in an airtight container and stored in a cool, dark place. It will last from four to six months. Pots of sage will survive well on a protected, sunny window sill.
Cook it
Add to pasta sauces; use for meat or poultry stuffings; quickly fry in butter and use as a garnish for risotto or pumpkin dishes.
Try rosemary or thyme.

Yuzu is a Japanese citrus lemon that is valued for it’s highly aromatic rind and Yuzu is one of the few citrus in the world that is able to maintain it’s tart/sourness at high cooking temperatures. Because the yuzu is considered a citron, the juice is very minimal, thus often expensive. Outside of a few Asian cuisines and particularly in Japanese cultural circles, yuzu is seldom grown or used because it’s rather rare. Used in both green and more ripe, yellow forms it’s a prized citrus in the culinary world.

Yuzu is sour, tart, very fragrant and slightly smaller than a billiard ball. The intensity and aroma of fresh yuzu is incredible. Yuzu is a citrus that isn’t eaten straight, but is used as a souring ingredient through the use of it’s juice and zest. The flavor is reminicent somewhere between a classic Eureka lemon and an oro blanco grapefruit, but still has its own unique fragrance and flavor. It is a bit more floral and sour and utterly wonderful. It smells so good the Japanese will use yuzu for perfumes and will ritualistically bath in yuzu during Toji (winter solstice).

There isn’t a lot of juice in each little ball of fruit, maybe a teaspoon per yuzu due to much of its mass being occupied by ginormous seeds and a thicker rind. However the juice is one of the very few citrus that can hold up fairly well to cooking without diminishing the flavor. The zest is packed with delicious oils that allow you to use nearly every part of the yuzu in the kitchen. Yuzu is a integral part to Japanese Ponzu sauce as well as yuzu-kosho, a spicy chili-salt laden with yuzu zest.

For the home gardener, yuzu is one of the most zone diverse citrus, being cold hardy down to 5-10º F. It is a bit stubborn to get to flower and has a few nasty thorns, but it is well worth the time & care to get these beautiful trees to fruit. They are still a bit hard to track down in the United States, but if you have a great nursery nearby, maybe they’ll be able to special order you one.

The fruit is ready earlier than most citrus, usually September or October, giving citrus heavy areas like southern California and Florida extra incentive to add a yuzu to their collections. One of the things we love most about our garden is that there is almost always something fruiting all year. Every season and month has something new to look forward to and it helps ease the grief of another favorite ending for the year.

For the home gardener, yuzu is one of the most zone diverse citrus, being cold hardy down to 5-10º F. It is a bit stubborn to get to flower and has a few nasty thorns, but it is well worth the time & care to get these beautiful trees to fruit. They are still a bit hard to track down in the United States, but if you have a great nursery nearby, maybe they’ll be able to special order you one.

The fruit is ready earlier than most citrus, usually September or October, giving citrus heavy areas like southern California and Florida extra incentive to add a yuzu to their collections. One of the things we love most about our garden is that there is almost always something fruiting all year. Every season and month has something new to look forward to and it helps ease the grief of another favorite ending for the year.


Pronounce it: ta-ra-gon

A popular and versatile herb, tarragon has an intense flavour that's a unique mix of sweet aniseed and a mild vanilla. The leaves are narrow, tapering and slightly floppy, growing from a long, slender stem. It's a key herb in French cuisine (it's an essential ingredient in sauce Bernaise), and goes very well with eggs, cheese and poultry.

Choose the best

Go for fresh-looking leaves, with no discolouration or wilting. French tarragon is considered to be the best - its flavour is more subtle than the coarser Russian tarragon. Dried tarragon is also available. Or, for a ready supply, keep a pot on your windowsill, or grow in your garden or window box.

Prepare it
Wash, then use whole sprigs or strip the leaves from the stalks and use whole or chopped.

Store it
Fresh cut tarragon should be wrapped in damp kitchen paper, placed in a perforated bag and stored in the fridge. It will last for around 4-5 days. Dried tarragon should be kept in an airtight container in a cool, dark place - it should last for 4-6 months.

Cook it

Use to make sauces for fish and poultry. Add to salad dressings; use to flavour butter or white wine vinegar.
Try fennel.


daily report english 4

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings      Today is different from the previous day. Why is it different? Because the previo...